Sunday, December 9, 2007

well, we got some work done today despite the freezing rain. Here you can see it on the vehicles and pine trees. I put a pic taken about a month ago to show how high the branches normally are. As you can see they are drooping to the ground. Everything is a sheet of ice. I do want to send a special "thank you" for those that live in the warmer climates and had to rub it in today! I received a call about 7:30PM and we are already on a 2 hour delay in the morning. That really messes up my day. =) Also, you'll see a dart stuck to my lamp shade. Scott and Justice were playing last night with their toys and lost several darts. After looking and looking they were still one short. I found it when I went to bed! LOL I also wanted to share a couple pics of more messages we found when tearing stuff apart for the addition. Thanks again Brian for selfishly giving of your time. Glad the boys and Michelle could come too! Dry wall is to go up on Sat. ... anyone interested in joining in on the fun? Call or email for details.