Saturday, December 15, 2007

Around 5:30 God put hanging drywall on two mens hearts and I got a call letting me know that they were interested doing some work. Imagine, it's a saturday afternoon and your hearts desire is to help someone after a long day of celebrating your sons birthday with 9 other little boys. About an hour later Roger and Sean showed up and we got to work putting up the ceiling in the living room. God never ceases to amaze me and he is always reminding me that His timing is perfect and He chooses the ways in which His work shall be done. "Thanks guys" for selfishly giving of your talents. We were at it until about 10:30 PM. During the night we got the snow that was projected to come. I'd guess we have 4-6 inches (I have not ventured out) and maybe another 4-6 to come yet today. The wind will be drifting it for some added fun. I should not have been surprised to noticed my drive cleaned up, my car brushed off and my porched cleaned this morning. Another example of how God faithfully takes care of us. "Thank you God for loving and caring for us."