Saturday, December 22, 2007

Today we, mostly Andy =) (I'll try to remember that "boss";) got a lot done. Andy brought the insulation and blower last night while we out to eat. ("thanks Andy") This morning we were blowing it in the attic by 9AM. I'd have to say Andy's job was probably harder, I've never done that part, BUT the job of loading the hopper was no treat. If you've never experienced it you may think what's the big deal. Let me tell you, insulation up your nose, in your mouth, eyes, ears and anywhere else it can go! Very icky. =) It took us about 2 1/2 hours to blow in about 65 bags. I ran the blower back to Lowe's around 3Pm to beat the 6:30 deadline. Andy stayed to work on getting the wall out. By the time I returned 4:30PM it was out and what a difference that makes. After getting the layer of powdery dry wall dust cleaned up I started making my bread for our Stickley Christmas tomorrow night. Andy will be back tomorrow and we will work on insulating the living room crawl, wall and getting the dry wall up in the living room.