Sunday, December 23, 2007

Today we got the crawl insulated & the floor down. We were done working today by noon. Andy was here...of course, Kathy (my sister) and Scott (Andy's dad) was overseeing our work. Kathy helped me out getting the floor nailed down. Andy was nice enough to share his super duper huge hammer with her! (look at the grip she has on that thing...lets see I think they guys always tease me for "choking" it) LOL "Thanks Everyone!" Oh...the mosquito.....well yesterday I killed one and I told my dad that I had just killed a mosquito. He said something like... no, can't be it's too cold. Well, here is a picture to prove there is something that looks an awful lot like a mosquito still alive and well. Actually there are lots of them in my damp crawl and my house. Not fun getting mosquito bites in December! Merry Christmas Everyone!! =)