Saturday, April 11, 2009

Here is our little sweetie....she smiled when I said good morning to her so I grabbed my camera and said it again and she smiled again! She is so advanced! LOL Here Uncle Kristian is in heaven with Makayla, the remote, his bakugan balls and the flat panel tv....BOYS!! LOL We strip her down in the afternoon so she can sit in the sun to help her jaudice. She is doing so good and is the best baby! She rarely cries, even when she is hungry she just gets really fidgity but does not really cry. She tries to suck anything in site! We all let her suck our lips and call it kisses! LOL She is so amazing! Everyone needs to pray they move to Ohio! Thanks I'd appreciate it!! Happy Easter to you everyone. I've been enjoying all your email comments and FB comments!


A New Journey said...

I love the pictures with all of you that is nice.. She really does look like a happy baby that is nice. I have always loved the baby kisses.
Love you guys Evette.