Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Backing up!

Posted by Brenda K at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Here are some of the last pictures taken while in AZ. Brooke has since visited and Kris and Melissa are there now. We miss our little baby girl and I'm already planning my trip for July. Kristian was thrilled to be able to feed her her first bottle. She gulped it down like a pro. "Thanks sister Ash for pumping so I could feed my niece!" Grammie held her as much as possible on our last day together. The sun came through the blinds so we let it shine on her to help with having the jaundice. She really was looking good, as you can see in the pic with her white sleeper on! Uncle Kristian loved pushing her in her swing, he's such a good Uncle. After her bath daddy and mommy were putting lotion on her. Funny how daddy's have such a hard time getting their eyes off the TV! LOL Always multitasking. I loved her fluffy little hair after her bath.... open the picture by clicking on it and you can see it! She never cried during her bath. She really is such a good baby. They really are blessed with her. The last two pics are memories from my days living in CA and for sure things we don't see here. Multi lanes of traffic is not a typical site in Ohio... Cars stacked as high with stuff as they are tall...a row of palm trees what a beautiful site! (not to mention my son-in-law, daughter, son and grandaughter are in the white truck in front of me in this picture =) Ashlin and Dago have started their own blog page and you can follow it @ http://madinaz.blogspot.com (mad stands for Makayla, Ashlin and Dago) Hope you are all doing well!
Posted by Brenda K at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
more pics coming soon
I had wanted to get more pics up by now but I've been sick with an ear infection(rutured ear drum) since being home. I promise as soon as I can think straighter and get this ringing out of my head I have more to post! =) Thanks for following along and I've loved all your messages! I absolutely LOVE my new baby grandaughter what a blessing to me! God is good ALL the time!
Posted by Brenda K at 4:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Posted by Brenda K at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Happy Easter Everyone! He Has Risen!!
Wow does having a baby make new parents sleepy! Makayla is so very good but just the new routine is wearing mommy daddy and mommy out! Some days she nurses every hour then other days it's every three. I assured them it will get better! Yesterday we went to the Rain Forest Cafe. It was a bit too loud for Kristian. Amber arrives today, Brooke on the 15 and Kris and Melissa on the 18.... they have lots more visiting and that alone makes them tired! I try to encourage her during the day to go take a nap but she says no!
Posted by Brenda K at 9:05 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Here is our little sweetie....she smiled when I said good morning to her so I grabbed my camera and said it again and she smiled again! She is so advanced! LOL Here Uncle Kristian is in heaven with Makayla, the remote, his bakugan balls and the flat panel tv....BOYS!! LOL We strip her down in the afternoon so she can sit in the sun to help her jaudice. She is doing so good and is the best baby! She rarely cries, even when she is hungry she just gets really fidgity but does not really cry. She tries to suck anything in site! We all let her suck our lips and call it kisses! LOL She is so amazing! Everyone needs to pray they move to Ohio! Thanks I'd appreciate it!! Happy Easter to you everyone. I've been enjoying all your email comments and FB comments!
Posted by Brenda K at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ashlin and Dago made up an Easter basket for Kristian and they brought it over thur. morning for Kristian to enjoy. Lana also came today and hung out with us. Dago went to work while Ashlin, Kristian, Lana (the dog) Makayla and Grandma hung out at the hotel. We even took a two hour nap with Makayla once. Well, Kristian watched TV but I still had drugs wearing off so that I would not throw up on the plane and Ashlin is just tired from being a mommy. We have been having a wonderful time. Ashlin is a great mommy and Dago a great daddy. It's beyond what they could have imagined and they are thinking they may want more than two now! LOL It's been so fun to watch my baby girl be a mommy! WOW I'm OLD! ;) Makayla is a bit jaundice so you'll see Dago holding her in the sun. We all love the baby kisses when they are really just hungry but we pretend they are kissing us! LOL So good!!! Makayla has deep dimples (like daddy) in her cheeks and one in her chin. Also, we are hoping for blue eyes like Dago's mom and mine! I never got a blue eyed child maybe a grandchild......... the odds are against Makayla with Daddy and Mommy having brown but it could happen! OK...that was our first full day and now I'm waiting for them to arrive to start day two. I've been waking up @ 5AM here! UGH!!!! (there time not Ohio time)
Posted by Brenda K at 6:31 AM 2 comments