Sunday, July 19, 2009

more bunnies! =/

SO the bunnies have left my plants/bushes alone until this past week I noticed my silver mound on my front flower bed was looking very disheveled. I guessed a bunny was back but had not seen it yet. Today I seen him/her on the side yard and told him he don't live here and to go away. Moments later I walked outside ONLY to catch him jumping out of the silver mound. Ah ha ....caught him in the act! It was actually a her, come to find out the dumb bunny had baby bunnies. These dumb things....I now understand where the phrase "multiplying like rabbits" comes from. I cleaned out the nest and bunnies, 2 of them, and transplanted them to a flower bed in the empty lot beside my house. (Dumb I know but I just can't be mean) The mama watched from across the street so I told her to follow me and feed them. The whole while I'm thinking I'll want to shoot these dumb things in a few short months when they start eating my stuff! Oh such is life!! LOL


Martinez Family said... cute! Love them!

Martinez Family said...

Awww...Makayla's pink stars are gone! :( But pretty bird!

Brenda K said...

Kristian picked the blue bird! I've never seen one of these in real life but Mildred said we had one around here a few weeks ago! I'd love to see that!