Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Today was a busy day at the house. Joe and Tyson got it excavated so that Andy could come and dig the footer. Scott grabbed his boots and shovel to give Andy a hand. "Thanks SO MUCH for all you do Howard's!" Sandy showed up after work to bring the guys cold drinks. While looking you can see where the driveway will be. Also, you can see where the garage, living room and porch will be. Looking forward to seeing it come together. Oh did I mention a gas line was hit the other day......well you can see it running through the NE corner of the garage. Hoping it gets shut off/ cut off before laying block. In the one pic you can see a gentleman with Sandy, Scott and Andy. This is Phil Liechty. He grew up on this property and has stopped by several times. He said the gas line had to be put in before 1940 sometime. His family never used it. Very interesting to hear the history of our property. He can tell back to the early 1900's. How fun!