Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

WOW...what a big difference a day can make. (Ok, well Don's probably thinking he's been at it since Thur. and brainstorming even longer.) I have to say the morning started with a wave of emotions for me. The men on a mission and a truck FULL of landscaping supplies simply overwhelmed me and nearly brought me to tears. I fought them off knowing I'd have four men wondering, and some possibly asking, "what's wrong?" Only to hear me say "nothing" and them feel totally lost as to what was going on (women... LOL. =) Schmidlin's Greenhouse came out in a big way and really made things look amazing! Thanks to Don and Becky for their amazing gift of their time, resources and LOVE! Along with them doing the landscaping today (Don started the block wall in thur.) another crew worked on the yard. Thanks to Mike for bringing his "toy" up and getting the yard drug and seeded! We had five young men come and give us a hand planting and picking up unwanted stuff in the yard. Thanks to Nick, Tanner, Craig, Tom and Seth for their help. Mildred turned 91 yesterday and baked us a cake today. (How does that work?) Everyone enjoyed the homemade treat. Dad and Mom were able to come by which helped out too Mom kept Kristian company while dad was able to comfortably supervise from the porch. I'll take some better end of the day pics tomorrow. I also can't wait to show you little sprouts of green grass poking it's way through the soil. Please pray for a day or so of a nice gentle rain. =)