Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sat. Brian and Andy were working on switches and outlets. Here they guys are turning this two switch box into a three switch box. Andy loves doing anything that he gets to play with the power tools. He had to cut away part of a 2x4 to make it fit. my house is a wreck (mostly my fault) and I have a birthday party sunday at 2. I also had to clean another house before the end of the day! I need more hours in a day!! =) (I ended up being up until 2 AM getting things ready for the party. My mom felt sorry for me and when I got home from cleaning, at 10PM, she came for two hours and helped me clean up. Thanks Mom! )

Thanks Andy and Brian!!!!

Oh also you can see my brother deep on thought.......

PS...see the snow outside the window...YUCKY!