Wednesday, June 13, 2007

wheelchair fun

Today we had an appointment to see what kind of wheelchair we would get for Kristian. For those of you that have been praying about this I do appreciate your prayers. As of of this morning I still wasn't sure what I was going to do, as far as ordering another manual chair or power chair. When we got there Kristian was asked if he wanted to try the power chair. He said "no" and I encouraged him to at least try it. He was very apprehensive but within minutes was driving it like a pro. They wanted him to take it outside and try it in the yard and going up over small bumps that he cannot do, or cannot easily do alone or without help in his manual chair. He was in love! His little eyes and face seemed to light up more and more. He eventually took it to full power which made him a bit nervous. Every boys dream POWER! At the end of the trial I had decided that it would open doors for Kristian. He knows that the manual chair will still be the primary chair used. This chair will be used for field trips, family trips to the zoo or shopping where Kristian gets wore out after an hour in Wal-mart ;), and simply going outside and zooming around the yard. Now it is up to the insurance......(the seat Kristian is in is not the seat he will have it was just a trial run...the base will be exactly what he will get...God willing) Now for the house update...the electrial is nearly done, the furnace guys came out today and will be back tomorrow. Also, when I was leaving the house around 6PM the plumber was arriving. We have tomorrow to get all these things finished so we can start insulating friday! More to come......=)