Sunday, June 3, 2007

I wanted to give you all a chance to email this company and say "Thank You" for their donation to our hosue. Friday I received a call from a Habitat board member telling me she had just spoken to a represenative from Suntouch and they were agreeing to make a donation to the house. In my original request I did as they asked and marked primary and secondary locations where I'd like the mats. They now have a floor plan of the house and will make their decision this week of where they will donate the mats and wall control units. Please go to their site click on contact us and leave them a "thank you!" (make sure you mention the Habitat for Humanity House of Fulton County Ohio for Brenda & Kristian Lippert) This will make a BIG difference while Kristian is sitting/playing on the laminate floors. He typically has cold hands and feet on his carpeted floors so I was concerned about the new flooring. God is GOOD and answered our prayers!!! I appreciate you taking your time to contact them!


Anonymous said...

Its really great to have that company helping others to build up the new houses as whenever required. Get the well designed features at suntouch flooring which keep the warm home.