Friday, June 22, 2007

Well, another day done. Wow, are things moving fast! Today Central Mennonite came to give us a hand. We spent the day doing primer and then painting. Not sure how many gallons we went through but @ the end of the day there was about 6 five gallon buckets outside. Maybe some of them were old ones!? Tomorrow we will work on flooring all day. As you will see BTB already started in Kristian's bathroom. In the following pics you'll see how the day unfolded. For lunch today we were treated by Jeanette Beck. She brought four of her grandchildren and her mother Lorraine to help out. Thanks Jeannette~ Susan's granddaughter was brave enough to go paint the linen closet in Kristian's bathroom. (she is one of the few that can fit!=) Thanks Sam! Everyone worked hard, it was another awesome day! At the end of the day we had many roller's and brushes to clean up. Gotta love those disposable liners! Thanks Everyone!