Friday, October 30, 2009

Some things never change then some do!

On Oct.16, 2009 Freda M. Ruffer went to heaven! We all knew her as Mom, Grandma, Great-Grandma, and Great Great Grandma! What a change that will be for our family. Brooke drove her moving truck home when she came for the funeral and now has all her stuff in storage. She will move herself soon. Lots of changes during this time for us. Brooke moving home and having a baby in the spring, Grandma no longer on earth.....BUT some things never change. Gotta love this group of... lets just say "kids" that Grandma Ruffer raised! Five of the six children were able to be here. In typical fashion the "bunny ears" went flying up with the camera coming out. ;) Pictured with my mother in law is her daughter Michele. It was nice to see everyone, it's just unfortunate funerals have to bring us all together sometimes. I believe Grandma is in heaven and what a joyous occasion for her. Although we miss her here it's comforting to know she is with so many that has went on before her, not to mention being with Jesus. Oh what a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see! O=)