In the fall I was slapped in the face with reality called an IEP evaluation from Kristian's PT. For those that don't know what that is it's and an Individualized Educational Plan (and PT-- Physical Therapist) for anyone with special needs. I have been doing IEP's since Kristian was diagnosed at 15 months. It's nothing new and typically they say the same sorts of things. This past fall that all changed when Kristian started his 5th grade year and had a new PT .
I was working on the bus one day and was handed some papers. After securing the wheelchairs I sat down to look over what was handed to me. It was the evaluation from the PT regarding what she seen during her evaluation of him. As I started reading I felt like I was reading about a inanimate object with no name or no face. It was a bunch of terms, some of which I had never heard, some were completely false, and it was becoming more than I wanted to read so I stuffed it into my bag to finish later. I dreaded getting home and having to get this paper out and read it. I did not want to read what that "mean" lady, that I'd never met and neither had Kristian until that day, had to say about him. Upon getting home I began to read the paper again. Again, I was reading about Kristian and what seemed like all negative no good for nothing this and that's about MY SON! Tears started rolling down my face and for the next two hours my heart broke over what I read about my son.
I had to go onto my next job and was thankful that I work alone and could continue crying and asking God how this person, that does not know me or Kristian, could say things that were so hurtful. Does she know he has a mommy that loves him, does she know he has a mommy that does all she can to help him, does she know that he has a mommy that feels she takes on the whole world, all alone, to give him the world. Does she know he is my son? I was so hurt and so angry! I simply could not stop crying and thinking he is more than these words say he is, he is more than hyper/hypo tonic issues, he is more than spasticity, more than tone, he is more than dorsal flexsion and more than degree's of movement, he is more than non-ambulatory and more than AFO's, in what seemed to be 1000 words of what he is it never said one positive thing about him.
As Kristian's mom I will say undoubtedly that I am more, much much more of a person to have known him. He is more than most people will ever be and has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. He is a very special gift from God. He is love just as God is love. Kristian came into my life at just the perfect time, just as Jesus came into this world and died at just the perfect time. God's timing is always perfect. What a blessing to be Kristian's mom. (If you know Kristian I'm sure you are agreeing he is so amazing)
Today I called to get Kristian's genetic test results and was a little on guard and ready to let somone know HE'S MY SON if I needed to. =) The nurse said the results were like nothing she had seen before. I've heard those words from the beginning of this road with Kristian. (10 years ago) I should have known it was coming. The nurse was very nice and went onto tell me the results of the genetic testing came back as an unknown abnormality and it is suggested to have further testing with both parents to try to get a more conclusive result. She was apologetic for the vague results and us having to wait for 2 months to get them. It is my conclusion again that no matter what Kristian has, named or not, God knows and I trust him for our future.
Kristian is my son, he not his disability or his ability, he's not his wheelchair, or legs. He's my son and I love him. Some see him as broken and in need of this or that. I see him as perfect and here to show us how broken we are. Oh, if we only have eyes to see!
Thank you Kristian for being My Son!
Brenda, Kristian is very blessed to have you as a mom, you are an amazing mom I really do not know how you do the things you do all the time, I do know God is great and that alone gives us strength when we can't go on, I know one of my favorite songs right now is Always By: Building 429 He sings about when you can't go on when you want to give up just HOLD ON! God is on his way and ALWAYS! GOD will be there...
I love you and I'm so very Blessed to have you as a friend and yes if you spend time with Kristian you will see things different. I love you both.
Love your friend Evette
He is an amazing boy! He is such a special, sweet boy with a heart of gold! I, too, hate those insensitive, cold words people choose to use to describe people. Kristian is an amazing person, and you are an amazing mother! Much love to you both!!
Momma is he a VERY special boy who is loved so much and so are you. You know that you do not need to do all this alone. Love you both bunches :)
I am now
sitting here crying and probably will for another 2 hours. That was very
well written, and Kristian is such a wonderful, special ,loving, funny
grandson and dad and I have said many times he has the 'VERY BEST MOMMY" he
could possibly have!!! Funny I was just thinking the other day...I wonder
if she has heard anything yet, but then forgot to ask last night. Lots of
love to both of you!!!!
Now that I have had a good cry, I guess I will type a little note to you. You know Tim and I are here for you and Kristian whenever you need us. I also want you to know, You are the greatest Mom!!! Anyone who knows Kristian can see how well he is taken care of and how much he is loved. Kristian is blessed to have you as a mom. Anyone who really knows Kristian knows how loving and giving he is. He can melt your heart with just a smile. Just one little smile and hug from him and all my cares goes right out the window. I can never pass up one of those sweet hugs. I know what you mean about those terrible cold hearted words they write in the IEP's. I have read many an IEP and thought the same thing. Others don't see the joy and potential our boys have or give. God has blessed both of us with 2 amazing son's. Like we talked about on the phone. We have seen so much of God's love through them. They have blessed our lives greatly and no one can make us feel any different. I am so glad I have you as a friend and when we talk I know you understand like no one else can. Thanks for always lending an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. God has definitely blessed us.
Love you!
You know how special Kristian is to me as he is to many, many others. We have to trust that God has a plan in all of this. As frustrating as this is all over again for your family, miracles are going to happen.
Thank you for letting me be a part of his appointments this summer - it really meant a lot to me to be there. I am continually praying for daily strength and courage for both Kristian and you. God will provide all of the answers you need - in His time of course:)
Love to you both!
There is a song sung by the Isaacs they also wrote it to honor parents who have special needs children, and have adopted children. I have a nephew who has cerebral Palsey and is at the level of an 18 month old, his mother passed away about 10 1/2 years brother also has four other children. They have all grown up, Nathan is almost 22. Our whole family feels the same way that you do with Kristian. Nathan is a blessing, to each one of us, Just as Kristian is! Please listen to the song Heroes by the Isaacs.Hear are the words:
Momma combs his hair and Daddy helps him brush his teeth
Day after day for thirty years the same routine
The special needs he lives with make life seem so unfair
But he thanks God every day cause he knows Mom and Dad are there
(chorus) He's a hero and she's a hero
It doesn't matter that nobody knows their name
They keep on giving to make life worth living
Might go unnoticed but they're heroes just the same
They tried for many years to have a baby of their own
But God knew a little girl who didn't have a home
Someone else's burden was their blessing in disguise
And now she's got a Mom and Daddy there to hold her when she cries
Every single parent who must carry twice the load
And those who sacrifice to raise a child that's not their own
They dedicate their time to make a difference in someone else's life
And in my eyes
They might go unnoticed but they're heroes just the same.
Your a hero, remember your loving God and loving your son your never alone!
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