Here are the naughty little bunnies.....I know they look cute but trust me they are very naughty!! Cynthia is so close to one, I'm hoping she catches them soon! If you look at the last bunnie photo you can see both of them in one shot! grrrrrr I think they are laughing at me!!!!
here is my garden..I have zucchini front and center then 9 potato plants and tomato's behind them. At the top of the photo are two pepper plants and lettuce. I had a cucumber plant but I think when I sprayed for weeds I got it too! =( Thanks to Uncle Harold and Aunt Evie for inspiring me to garden. They gave me tomato plants and the potato's to start my plants. Maybe next year I'll have more veggies! ummmm good! (originally my neighbor asked if she could use part of the garden to plant so that is why I only used half but she never got around to planting so maybe next year I'll plant enough for us all)
I'm glad you checked out my blog before you went to bed! I wish I was there...I was good at catching those cute little bunnies! Love you
I Love all your flowers but about the bunnies mom says no to bringing them back to PA,ask Cynthia who is going to take care of them while she is NC? Love ya all Evette
I found you! It was nice running into you at Wal-mart tonight. I look forward to keeping in touch through your blog. I love blogging!
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