Friday, November 28, 2008

Here are some pics from two weeks ago when Kristian and I traveled to KY to see Brooke. Here was a cool looking building that we seen on the way in Cincinnati. Also, we passed this sign that made up think of our good friends in CA. ;) We surprised Brooke at work by showing up a little early. She cooked up spaghetti, which was yummy, then by that evening poor Kristian was running a temp of 100.9 so Brooke ran out to get him some meds. Brooke was trying to show Kristian what he will look like with armpit hair. He thought it was very funny! KIDS!! He also had fun looking through a flyer clipping out christmas ideas for Brooke to buy him. We had fun playing games, putting a puzzle together and then watched a movie while snacking on cheese, summemr sausage and crackers. We woke up to some snow sunday morning and then Brooke took us to her church. We had a nice visit, other than poor little Kristian being sick.