Wednesday, December 2, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

Here is our collection of trees at our house this year. Of course, I could not leave out the most important meaning of Christmas so I posted our nativty first and last. (Funny how the light in there is yellow and it shows up purple.) hmmm

We have a pre-lit flocked tree in the garage (given to us) In Kristian's room I have a mini multi-colored lit tree with mini ornaments (We got this at a thrift store several years ago already decorated w/ lights and ornaments for $3) In my room another mini tree that was given to us ) In Brooke's room there is a mini mini tree (also given to us.) In the den is a mini mini tree (donated and just outside the door on the deck is an outdoor tree. (given to us) In the bathroom is is a wood star tree. On the study center is a twig tree. In the living room is our family tree with personal ornaments from over the years. We have had this tree 20 years so it has sentimental value to us! Hope you all have a safe blessed Christmas season.

We are going a little nuts with decorating since our little Miss Makayla will be here for Christmas! Can't wait to see her little face and watch her eyes light up as she sees all the pretty lights! =)


It's me, Jenny! said...

It's great that you have the spirit of Christmas all around your house...including the bathroom! I love the tree in the bathroom.

Unknown said...

I hope all those trees are up high or Miss Makayla will sure have fun with those!!!! She will probably undecorate them much faster than you decorated them. LOL!!!! Anyway I'm sure she will love them and they all look great!!! Looks like a lot of work though!!! :)

A New Journey said...

I love all your trees, you always have had a way with making all occasions so wonderful, and I know the time you have with Makayla will be wonderful, she will love being with you & all her family in OH. I miss all of you and sorry we will not be seeing you in Dec.Hope to see you sometime next year.Love to all..