So anyone that really knows me knows I love smiley faces and use then any chance I get. I even tried to keep someone from hurting me once and by trying to remove their hand from my throat and I inadvertently left a smiley face scare with three of my finger nails on their hand. (God sure has a funny sense of humor) Anyway, last weekend I made some pancakes. I don't always use syrup first but for kristian's plate I did. I drizzled it in a circular pattern and when I looked back a few moments later this was looking back at me! LOL
Another funny from last week.....I had a headache one day after bus route and told Kristian that I was going to the Den. Now any of you that know my house is saying "where is the den?" Well, it sounds odd to say I'm going to the laundry room to lay down or watch TV so I told him we have to start calling it the den. For those that don't know my house we made the LR very large so Kristian has easy access to learn to do laundry and we also use it for his equipment that sits around our house. It also has a futon/tv/chair in there. It's much more like a Den with the Washer/Dryer/hotwater heater/furnace in it than a LR with a TV/chair/futon in it.
ok.....so what I told him was that "if" ;) I feel asleep to wake me up by 6PM. I gave him his whistle and off I went to the "den" =). As I was walking away he said "mom why are you going to sleep now?" I said "well, I may not fall asleep but if I do it's because I need some beauty rest. Just make sure you wake me at 6PM "if" I do fall asleep." (To tell Kristian I had a headache only worries him and I wanted him to work on his homework while I rested so that is why I gave him the beauty rest line)
It was around 4:30 when I went in there. I closed the curtain to the window and sat on the futon with my legs up and snuggled in with a blanket over me. I must have dozed right of. Surprise Surprise! I woke up around 10 till 5 and thought I heard him talking so I listened for a few min. and thought well he must be talking to himself. (he does that when playing so I thought well when I get up I will help him he can play if he wants) I dozed back off and didn't wake up until 6:45PM.
I went to the living room (he was on the floor with all his homework) and there he lay in the barely lit room. I said, "Kristian I told you to blow that whistle by 6PM." He said, "I did mom." I said, "let me hear you." He gave a little weenie blow. I said, "Kristian you are going to have to blow louder for me to hear that." He took a big breath and blew louder. I said, "yes, much better." I went and laid down to help him finish up his homework because I knew he had been playing earlier when I heard him talking to himself. Kristian looked at me and said "mom you do look more beautiful that really worked." Now that could be the punchline of the story and end right there because that alone if just too funny but it's not. ....... He said, "Mildred was here." For those that looked at the valentine party we had Mildred was here. She is our next door neighbor that has a love for Kristian. I said, "WHAT?! Why didn't you wake me up?" He said, "cause you were getting your beauty rest." OH BROTHER!! I said, "Kristian you should have woke me up." He said, "she brought some stuff for you up on the counter." I helped Kristian with his homework and then was going to call her. It was about 7:30 when I called and she had already gone to bed.
I called Mildred the next day after the morning bus route and heard the "rest of the story." She had made custard and was bringing me a cup. She had called twice and there was no answer (I had my phone off the hook do to my headache) so she left two VM to call her. When I didn't call within a short while she decided we had went somewhere and she'd simply bring it over with her key to my house and leave it on the counter. Much to hear surprise when she opened the front door Kristian was on the floor. He was thrilled to see her and she asked him, "where is you mom?" He said, "she is in the den getting her beauty rest we must be quiet and not wake her." She was simply going to put the stuff on the counter and go but he requested she sit and stay awhile. He gave her something to do while sitting (an art project that HE was to do) LOL so she worked on it and sat quietly so I didn't get woke up! (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!) When I thought I heard someone talking I did it was them two!!! She said the didn't talk but just a little the whole time she was here. I said, "how long was that?" She said, "an hour!" I just could not believe those two.
I was so embarrassed and she thought I'd be mad for her coming in while I was home. I told her she could come in anytime but she should wake me if that happens again. She said Kristian would have never let her do that! How funny is that. My 11 year old son and my 91 year old neighbor best buddies. I've always prayed for a little old lady that would love us and sorta keep an eye on Kristian while I run around doing this and that. He hates getting drug all over the place and he is old enough so stay home but I always like for him to be able call someone. He has his own cell phone and there are about 10 number in it. Mildred's is the one called most often. =)
I thank God for the people God has brought into our lives. Even if the relationship wasn't the best outcome God used it for good and taught me something great!