Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hello, We have had fun watching our baby cardinals but we had a bad storm one day last week and they were gone. We have since found them in a tree outback. I should say mama and papa lead us to the tree and we can hear them. Daddy and Mama are always on guard and will chirp like mad when we go near the tree. They are always close by so I have gotten lots of photo's of them. The bad thing is they don't come near enough and I have to use digital zoom and they don't sit still long. =) We look forward to seeing the babies. I also took a pic. of my beautiful hibiscus flower. It is blooming from my tree that we have named "salty." It seems to be doing well after being watered with salt water. As a matter of fact I think it liked it! =) My first baby girl turned 24 on July 11 and in her sweet fashion she sent me flowers on her birthday. They were beautiful and I snapped a pic. for you all to see. Of course the colors are not quite right here but you get the idea. "thank you Amber...Hope you had a happy birthday" Kristian has went fishing the past two Sunday's and has caught some pretty nice fish. Here are a few of his catches on his sponge bob square pants pole. Kris and I have both bought him bigger boy poles but they get to heavy and I end up doing all the fishing. He can hold this one the best and it does a fine job catching some fish. =) Hope you all are having a great summer! I forgot to mention I have his desk a little closer to being done. Susan brought over her roto zip and we opened up the back of the file cabinets to get to the outlets. He has had a blast surfing the web! Power Rangers and Trans Formers who would have thought?! LOL