Kristian getting the EXCITING news that he would be an uncle in 2009. Can you guess who's going to be a mommy and daddy?
Great Great Grandparents Married 65 Years
Great Grandpa &Grandma Married 45 yerasGrandma
Mashed Potato teeth Uncle
Daddy and Mommy Married 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS Ashlin and Dago we can't wait to have our first baby. Kristian can't decide if he wants a niece or nephew but he's leaning toward a niece.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
First baby on the way!
Posted by Brenda K at 12:24 PM 0 comments
More babies...? So Polly has been getting big and I thought she was sick and was about to explode? We can't be for sure but I took her to the pet shop yesterday and they think she is filling up with eggs. I hope so cause the thought of her exploding is not a good one. I had actually put her in her own tank because I was convinced she was going to blow. Time will tell. The eggs won't have a chance to mature though cause I will probably clean the stinky tank out before hand. The info. online says to remove the eggs so they can hatch safely. I guess the newts will eat them so maybe they will get eaten before I wash them out. Either way I don't see baby newts in our future and HOPE that is her problem. =)
Posted by Brenda K at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hello, We have had fun watching our baby cardinals but we had a bad storm one day last week and they were gone. We have since found them in a tree outback. I should say mama and papa lead us to the tree and we can hear them. Daddy and Mama are always on guard and will chirp like mad when we go near the tree. They are always close by so I have gotten lots of photo's of them. The bad thing is they don't come near enough and I have to use digital zoom and they don't sit still long. =) We look forward to seeing the babies. I also took a pic. of my beautiful hibiscus flower. It is blooming from my tree that we have named "salty." It seems to be doing well after being watered with salt water. As a matter of fact I think it liked it! =) My first baby girl turned 24 on July 11 and in her sweet fashion she sent me flowers on her birthday. They were beautiful and I snapped a pic. for you all to see. Of course the colors are not quite right here but you get the idea. "thank you Amber...Hope you had a happy birthday" Kristian has went fishing the past two Sunday's and has caught some pretty nice fish. Here are a few of his catches on his sponge bob square pants pole. Kris and I have both bought him bigger boy poles but they get to heavy and I end up doing all the fishing. He can hold this one the best and it does a fine job catching some fish. =) Hope you all are having a great summer! I forgot to mention I have his desk a little closer to being done. Susan brought over her roto zip and we opened up the back of the file cabinets to get to the outlets. He has had a blast surfing the web! Power Rangers and Trans Formers who would have thought?! LOL
Posted by Brenda K at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sorry to bombard you with all these but this is the end....for you all probably just the beginning as you have to scroll through them yet. Whew, I'm tired now! =) So here Kristian is cutting the tape to open the drive way. He said "I want to cut the tape when it 's time," I thought that was too cute. He is always thinking. He's seen too many movies where they cut the ribbon on grand openings or something. So here he is cutting our tape! Then at the Park and Party 4th of July celebration at our church. We did Tatoo's and he was putting a tat on granny. It looks as though she is about to slap him but she was helping pat the wet towel. =) Funny how the camera will catch funny things. What you can't see in these pictures are the hundreds of people in lawn chairs waiting to see the fire works. Enjoy and I hope you all had a fun, safe 4th.
Posted by Brenda K at 3:47 PM 0 comments
I forgot to post the pic. of my mother trying out my new bike. Cynthia enjoyed riding it a bit while here. Go granny go! Kristian laughed good at this too! =) LOL
Posted by Brenda K at 3:45 PM 0 comments
The driveway was officially open (for remote control cars =) the next day (sat. ) the first thing out of Kristian's mouth when he woke up was "can I go drive my cars?" He was too funny. On Sunday we had a gathering of friends and family that worked with Evette on our house while here last year. We made home made ice cream and within no time the freezer was empty. We all had a good time catching up. Andy gave Kristian the go ahead to race around on it in his wheelchair. He really tore it up! He found it a lot of fun to come ring the doorbell and take off. He laughed so hard he ended up with the hiccups. At the end of the homemade ice cream party he and Andy went for a bike ride, they really have become good buddies. As Kristian says "Andy, is a good guy!" Evette forced everyone into a group photo before leaving. As you can see we had to take several shots because Scott was being naughty. I didn't put the one up of him giving Sandy bunny ears either.
Posted by Brenda K at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Here is the driveway pics. They (Winameg Concrete) came Friday and Sat. (a week ago) and I am just now getting these organized. I was working all day Friday when they poured it so Evette and Cynthia was kind enough to snap pics for me. At the end of the day I had 122 photo's to look at... today I took the time to select a few for the blog page. Kristian was able to sit outside the whole time and watch them work. I'm so glad someone was here to help Kristian be part of it and take these photo's. Thanks Bittmann's. You'll see Milly is doing her supervising job well too! =) Our driveway is BEAUTIFUL and Kristian loves being out on it!
Posted by Brenda K at 2:32 PM 0 comments